What is Hemangiopericytoma?

Hemangiopericytoma. Round and spindle cells surrounded by thin-walled, endothelium-lined vascular channels, giving a "staghorn" appearance to the vessels as typically seen in hemangiopericytoma (Hematoxylin and eosin stain ×400). Primary mediastinal hemangiopericytoma. Chnaris A, Barbetakis N, Efstathiou A, Fessatidis I - World journal of surgical oncology (2006). Not altered. CC.

Hemangiopericytoma is a rare metastasis tumor derived from pericytes surrounding the blood vessels.

What is the Pathology of Hemangiopericytoma?

The pathology of hemangiopericytoma is:

-Etiology: The cause of hemangiopericytoma is unknown.

-Genes involved: Unknown.

-Pathogenesis: The sequence of events that lead to hemangiopericytoma unknown.

-Morphology: Nodule.

-Histology: Blood vessels with prominent smooth muscle.

How does Hemangiopericytoma Present? 

Patients with hemangiopericytoma typically more common in males. The symptoms, features, and clinical findings associated with hemangiopericytoma include among others, pain mass-related, temperature elevation, constipation vascular disease-allied symptoms, and difficulty breathing.

How is Hemangiopericytoma Diagnosed? 

Hemangiopericytoma is diagnosed through biopsy and pathological examination.

How is Hemangiopericytoma Treated? 

Hemangiopericytoma is treated through surgical excision.

What is the Prognosis of Hemangiopericytoma?

The prognosis of hemangiopericytoma is fair.