What are Developmental Disorders of Bone and Cartilage?

Developmental Disorders of Bone and Cartilage
A-P view of hands: periarticular osteoporosis and of some of the joints of hands, mainly the right wrist, developmental malformations in the form of shortened phalanges of the IV and V finger of the right hand and II of the left hand, shortening of the IV and V right metacarpal bones and II left metacarpal bone, abnormal modeling of the distal epiphyses of the bones of the forearm and wrists, mainly right.Radiological imaging in pediatric rheumatic diseases. Matuszewska G, Zaniewicz-Kaniewska K, Włodkowska-Korytkowska M, Smorawińska P, Saied F, Kunisz W, Sudoł-Szopińska I - Polish journal of radiology / Polish Medical Society of Radiology (2014). Not Altered. CC.

Developmental disorders of bone and cartilage are pathologies that certain individuals are born with that affect cartilage or bone. 

Developmental disorders of bone and cartilage include:

  • Achondroplasia
  • Achondrogenesis type 2
  • Brachydactyly types D and E
  • Campomelic dysplasia
  • Cleidocranial dysplasia
  • Holt-Oram syndrome
  • Hypochondroplasia
  • Metaphyseal dysplasia, Schmid type  
  • Nail-patella syndrome 
  • Osteogenesis imperfecta types 1-4
  • Osteopetrosis, autosomal dominant
  • Osteopetrosis, infantile type
  • Osteopetrosis late-onset type 2
  • Osteopetrosis with renal tubular acidosis
  • Thanatophoric dysplasia
  • Waardenburg syndrome types 1 and 3