What are Inborn Errors of Metabolism?

Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Overview of inborn errors of metabolism research. (A) Schematic presentation of major IEM Groups and selected disorders. (B) Diagram of animal models since the year 2000 used in IEM research based on Pubmed (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) hits (Search terms: “Inborn errors of metabolism + animal model”) last accessed 22.06.2020 (C) Zebrafish publications in relation to IEM studied since the year 2000 based on Pubmed research hits (Search terms based on IEM disorder group and individual disorders) last accessed 07.08.2020. Breuer M, Patten SA. Biomolecules (2020). Not Altered. CC.

Inborn errors of metabolism are genetic abnormalities that give rise to metabolic disorders. Examples of inborn errors of metabolism include:

  • Phenylketonuria (PKU)
  • Galactosemia