What Are the Receptors for Microbes, Damaged Cells, and Foreign Substances?

Receptors for Microbes, Damaged Cells, and Foreign Substances
Models of the full-length AM receptors.A, AM1 receptor; B, AM2 receptor. Images were generated from an overlay aligning CLR residues 138–394 for both models (root mean square deviation = 2.0 Å). Relative sizes and orientations are thus not an artifact of figure generation. C, surface representation of the peptide binding pocket of the AM1 and AM2 receptors illustrating the changes in receptor conformation and the peptide binding pocket. D, close-up surface representation of the peptide binding pocket showing the docked AM peptide and its five close receptor neighbors, determined by the models in blue sticks (AM1 receptor) and yellow sticks (AM2 receptor). Other colors in C and D are as described for A and B. Receptor Activity-modifying Proteins 2 and 3 Generate Adrenomedullin Receptor Subtypes with Distinct Molecular Properties. Watkins HA, Chakravarthy M, Abhayawardana RS, Gingell JJ, Garelja M, Pardamwar M, McElhinney JM, Lathbridge A, Constantine A, Harris PW, Yuen TY, Brimble MA, Barwell J, Poyner DR, Woolley MJ, Conner AC, Pioszak AA, Reynolds CA, Hay DL - The Journal of biological chemistry (2016). Not Altered. CC.

Pathogen-associated molecular patterns Pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMP) are molecules with conserved motifs that are associated with pathogen infection that serve as ligands for host pattern recognition molecules such as peptidoglycan, lipoteichoic acids and mycolic acid. 

Damage-associated molecular patterns are molecules within cells that are a component of the innate immune response released from damaged or dying cells due to trauma or an infection by a pathogen.

Toll-like receptors a class of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that initiate the innate immune response by sensing conserved molecular patterns for early immune recognition of a pathogen 

NOD-Like receptors (a subset of pattern recognition receptors) are a specialized group of intracellular proteins that play a critical role in the regulation of the host innate immune response.   

Inflammasomes are innate immune system receptors and sensors that regulate the activation of caspase-1 and induce inflammation in response to infectious microbes and molecules derived from host proteins.   

C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) are a large family of transmembrane and soluble receptors that contain one or more carbohydrate-recognition domain able to recognize a wide variety of glycans on pathogens or on self-proteins.  

Retinoic acid-inducible (RIG) like receptors are a type of intracellular pattern recognition receptor involved in the recognition of viruses by the innate immune system.