What are Metastasis to the Liver?

Metastasis to the Liver
Metastases of rectal cancer to the lung and liver with the atypical immunohistochemical profile. a-f The metastasis to the lung. a HE, (b) CK7, (c) CK20, (d) CDX2, (e) TTF-1, (f) napsin A. g-i The metastasis to the liver. g HE, (h) CK7, (i) TTF-1. Note that CK20 and CDX2 were also negative in the metastasis to the liver (not shown). All images x10 objective. Targeted sequencing may facilitate differential diagnostics of pulmonary tumors: a case series: Diagnostic Pathology. Not altered. CC.

Metastasis to the liver are malignancies that originate from a different part pf the body that somehow travel and grow in the liver. Common malignancies that metastasis to the liver include colorectal cancer, melanoma, breast cancers, esophageal cancers, and stomach cancer.