What are Benign Smooth Muscle Tumors?

Benign Smooth Muscle Tumors
Histologic appearance of a so-called epithelioid uterine smooth muscle tumor. Showing nests of cells displaying an epithelial-like morphology embedded in a partly myxoid stroma. (A). At a higher magnification part of the cells present with prominent nuclei (B). Genome-wide acquired uniparental disomy as well as chromosomal gains and losses in an uterine epithelioid leiomyoma. Holzmann C, Markowski DN, Koczan D, Helmke BM, Bullerdiek J - Molecular cytogenetics (2014). Not Altered. CC.

Benign smooth muscle tumors are those tumors that stay in their primary location without invading other sites of the body.

Examples of benign smooth muscle tumors include: 

  • Leiomyoma