What is Panophthalmitis?

a) Gross specimen of the enucleated right eye showing mass-forming lesion involving vitreous chamber, sclera, uveal tissue, conjunctiva, and periorbital soft tissue. (b) Histopathological findings of the specimen showing mixed inflammatory cell infiltration composed of lymphocytes, plasma cells, histiocytes, and some area of suppurative granulomatous inflammation (lower inset). (c) Acid-fast staining demonstrated acid-fast bacilli in the tissue (arrow). Tuberculous Panophthalmitis with Lymphadenitis and Central Nervous System Tuberculoma. Srichatrapimuk S, Wattanatranon D, Sungkanuparph S - Case reports in infectious diseases (2016). Not Altered. CC.

Panophthalmitis is inflammation that involves the choroid, retina, and sclera that extends into the orbit.

What is the Pathology of Panophthalmitis?

The pathology of panophthalmitis is often developed from endophthalmitis.

How does Panophthalmitis Present?

Panophthalmitis presents with  hypopyon worsen, conjunctiva chemosis, eyelid edema, purulent discharge restricted and painful ocular movement.

How is Panophthalmitis Diagnosed?

Panophthalmitis is diagnosed by ultrasonography, and contrast enhanced MRI.

How is Panophthalmitis Treated?

Panophthalmitis is treated with intravitreal and periocular injection of combined antibiotics and dexamethasone.

What is the Prognosis of Panophthalmitis?

The prognosis of panophthalmitis is fair.