What is an Eccrine Poroma?

Eccrine Poroma
Eccrine Poroma. Histopathologic findings showing that the tumor consists of uniformly small cuboidal cells, forming anastomosing bands and ductal lumen emanating from the epidermis embedded in a fibrovascular stroma. a HE. Original magnification ×100. b HE. Original magnification ×400. Eccrine Poroma Arising within Nevus Sebaceous: Girdwichai N, Chanprapaph K, Vachiramon V - Case reports in dermatology (2016). Not altered. CC.

Eccrine poroma is a benign tumor of the sweat gland arising from the intraepidermal section.

What is the Pathology of Eccrine Poroma?

The pathology of eccrine poroma is:

-Etiology: The cause of eccrine poroma is not well understood but can be caused by hereditary factors.

-Genes involved: None.

-Pathogenesis: The sequence of events that lead to eccrine poroma is not clearly stated but is known to have begun from the epidermal section of the skin.

-Morphology: The morphology associated with eccrine poroma shows a surface that can be smooth or ulcerated, can be oink white or blue, and can be dome-shaped or nodule.

-Histology: The histology associated with eccrine poroma shows cells that are small in size, cuboidal, and have a deeply basophilic nucleus, well-circumscribed. 

How does Eccrine Poroma Present? 

Patients with eccrine poroma typically affect all gender equally and are mostly found to be occurring in the 4th -8th decade of life. The symptoms, features, and clinical findings associated with eccrine poroma include rapid growing masses, dome-shaped very painful, easily bleeding when touched, and can have a clear discharge and are pink or white or blue.

How is Eccrine Poroma Diagnosed? 

The eccrine poroma is diagnosed by physical examination, history taking, and skin biopsy.

How is Eccrine Poroma Treated? 

The eccrine poroma is treated mostly by excision and also cryosurgery can be recommended. 

What is the Prognosis of Eccrine Poroma?

The prognosis of eccrine poroma is good since it rarely has any need for clinical attention.