What is Carrier Mediated Membrane Transport?

Carrier Mediated Membrane Transport
Carrier Mediated Membrane Transport. Transmission electron microscopy reveals docking of epididymosomes on the sperm plasma membrane to allow delivery of GPI-linked proteins to the sperm surface via hydrophobic interactions.23 On the smaller epididymosome SPAM1 which is immunogold- labeled is seen in the process of being transferred to the sperm membrane, while the contact of the larger epididymosomes appears to involve membrane fusion. Taken from Mol Reprod Dev 2008; 75: 1627–36.23. Epididymosomes: transfer of fertility-modulating proteins to the sperm surface. Martin-DeLeon PA - Asian journal of andrology (2015). Not Altered. CC.

Carrier mediated membrane transport is a cellular transport mechanism that is mediated by carriers. Carriers are membrane transport proteins which are involved in the movement of ions, small molecules, and macromolecules, across the cell membrane.