Gestational Pathology Video Gestational pathology is pathology of the placenta or embryo. Gestational pathology includes: Ectopic pregnancy Spontaneous abortion Placenta previa Placental abruption Placenta accreta Preeclampsia Eclampsia Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome Sudden infant death syndrome…
Gestational Pathology Study Guide

Sample placenta with abnormalities we aim to detect. Each row has a different abnormality. (a) Abruption (main indicator: blood clots on the maternal surface). (b) Chorioamnionitis (main indicator: opaque colored fetal surface). (c) Meconium (main indicator: meconium stain on the fetal surface). (d) Irregular shaped (left: regular, right: irregular. Their associated binary disc region along with the fitted ellipses are also displayed next to each of them). (e) True knots on the cord. AI-PLAX: AI-based placental assessment and examination using photos. Chen Y, Zhang Z. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (2020). Not Altered. CC.