Hemostasis Hemostasis Pathology Video The body’s natural response to an injury that stops the bleeding and fixes the damage is known as hemostasis. Blood must be able to flow freely through blood vessels in order to reach tissues. Hemostasis, which…
Hemostasis Pathology Study Guide

(A) Hemostatic efficacy of thrombin nanocomplexes in rat hepatic hemorrhage model. (B) Hemostatic efficacy of native thrombin in rat hepatic hemorrhage model. (C) Hemostatic efficacy of thrombin nanocomplexes in rat iliac artery hemorrhage model. (D) Hemostatic efficacy of native thrombin in rat iliac artery hemorrhage model. Nanocomplexation of thrombin with cationic amylose derivative for improved stability and hemostatic efficacy. Zhuang B, Li Z, Pang J, Li W, Huang P, Wang J, Zhou Y, Lin Q, Zhou Q, Ye X, Ye H, Liu Y, Zhang LM, Chen R - International journal of nanomedicine (2015). Not Altered. CC.