Normocytic Anemia

Normocytic Anemia Pathology Study Guide

Normocytic Anemia Normocytic anemia is anemia with normal sized red blood cells (MCV = 80 - 100 micrometers3). Normocytic anemia is typically due: Raised peripheral destruction of red blood cells (RBCs) Underproduction of red blood cells (RBCs) The difference between…
Macrocytic Anemia

Macrocytic Anemia Pathology Study Guide

Macrocytic Anemia Microcytic anemia is anemia with MCV > 100 micrometer3. Microcytic anemia is usually caused by folate or vitamin B12 deficiency (megaloblastic anemia). Folate and vitamin B12 are required for synthesis of DNA precursors. Folate circulates as methyltetrahydrofolate (methyl…
Iron-deficiency Anemia, Peripheral Blood Smear

Anemia Pathology Study Guide

Anemia Anemia is characterized by the reduction in circulating red blood cell (RBC) mass. Anemia leads to a reduced flow of oxygen in the body.  Common signs and symptoms of anemia include: Hypoxia Weakness Light headedness Fatigue Dyspnea Pale conjunctiva…
Microcytic Anemias

Microcytic Anemia Pathology Study Guide

Microcytic Anemias Anemia with MCV < 80 fL/m3 Microcytic anemias are due to decreased production of hemoglobin. Red blood cell (RBC) progenitor cells (erythroblasts) in the bone marrow are large and normally divide multiple times to produce smaller mature cells…