
What is an Embolism?

An embolism is an intravascular mass that travels and occludes downstream vessels. Symptoms depend on the vessel involved, and may include myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accidents like stroke. Types of embolisms include:  ThromboembolismFat embolismGas embolismAmniotic fluid embolismPulmonary embolismSystemic embolism

What is Embolism?

An embolism is a blocked artery caused by a foreign body. The foreign bodies include a blood clot, fat, marrow, or air bubbles.

What is an Embolism?

An embolism is the blockage in an artery due to a blood clot. Examples of embolisms include: Pulmonary Embolism  Systemic Thromboembolism  Fat and Marrow Embolism  Air Embolism  Amniotic Fluid Embolism