
What is a Thymoma?

Thymomas are neoplasms of the thymus of thymic epithelial origin. Thymomas may be benign or malignant.  What are the Types of Thymomas?  The specific types of thymomas include:  Type AAtypical AType ABType B1Type B2Type B3MNT Metaplastic Thymoma  Note that the letters…

What are Thymomas?

Thymomas are tumors of thymic epithelial cell origin. The types of thymomas are: Type A thymoma, including atypical variantType AB thymomaType B1 thymomaType B2 thymomaType B3 thymomaMicronodular thymoma with lymphoid stromaMetaplastic thymomaMicroscopic thymomaSclerosing thymomaLipofibroadenoma Useful immunohistochemistry includes: AE1/AE3 (pan-keratins), CK19, CK20,…