Representative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) abnormalities (arrows) in NMOSD patients with autoimmune diseases. (A) Bilateral thalamic lesions; (B) Bilateral hypothalamus lesions; (C) Basal ganglia lesion; (D) Hypothalamus and periventricular lesions; (E) Aqueduct of the midbrain lesion; (F) Cervico-medullary lesion; (G) Pons lesion; (H) Cerebellum lesion; (I) Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (LETM) lesions. Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders without and with autoimmune diseases: Zhang B, Zhong Y, Wang Y, Dai Y, Qiu W, Zhang L, Li H, Lu Z - BMC neurology (2014). Not altered. CC.

Autoimmune disorders are conditions in which the body’s immune system misidentifies and attacks its own healthy tissues as foreign. The majority of which causes inflammation, which can affect various parts of the body. Autoimmune disorders are due to autoimmunity, which is reactions against self antigens.