What are Benign Epithelial Disorders of the Vulva?

Benign Epithelial Disorders of the Vulva
Numerous cystic ducts lined by two rows of epithelial cells embedded in a fibrocollagenous stroma (H and E, ×20). Vulval Syringoma: First report of a case in an Egyptian female. El-Domyati MM, Abdel-Raouf HM, El-Ammawi T, Abdel-Azim ES - Indian dermatology online journal (2012). Not Altered. CC.

Benign epithelial disorders of the vulva are the non-cancerous mostly characterized by genital skin and mucosal tissue degeneration and pigmentation change. 

Examples of benign epithelial disorders of the vulva include:

  • Lichen sclerosus of the vulva
  • Squamous cell hyperplasia of the vulva