a: Histological section showing a well-differentiated ductal carcinoma of the breast (x 100). b Histological section showing a well-differentiated ductal carcinoma of the breast (x 400). c Histological section showing a moderately-differentiated ductal carcinoma of the breast (x 100). d Histological section showing a moderately-differentiated ductal carcinoma of the breast (x 400). e Histological section showing a poorly-differentiated ductal carcinoma of the breast (x 100). f Histological section showing a poorly-differentiated ductal carcinoma of the breast (x 400)The pattern of prognostic and risk indicators among women with breast cancer undergoing modified radical mastectomy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Mwakigonja AR, Rabiel H, Mbembati NA, Lema LE - Infectious agents and cancer (2016). Not Altered. CC.
Carcinomas of the breast are the diseases in which cells in the breast grow out of control.
Examples of carcinomas of the breast include:
- Ductal carcinoma in situ
- Lobular carcinoma in situ
- Invasive carcinoma
- Pagets disease of the breast