What are Congenital Anomalies?

Congenital Anomalies
5-year-old-girl with venous malformation in right cheek.A. Coronal T2 weighted image shows venous malformation (arrow) in right cheek.B. Direct puncture venography shows opacification of venous malformation.C. Coronal T2 weighted image obtained after two sessions of sclerotherapy with ethanol reveals significant shrinkage of venous malformation (arrow).Ethanol sclerotherapy for the management of craniofacial venous malformations: the interim results. Lee IH, Kim KH, Jeon P, Byun HS, Kim HJ, Kim ST, Kim YW, Kim DI, Choi JY - Korean journal of radiology (2009). Not Altered. CC.

Congenital anomalies of the kidney are congenital renal malformations that could be hereditary and result from acquired defects throughout the gestation period.

Examples of congenital anomalies of the kidney include:

  • Agenesis of the kidney 
  • Hypoplasia of the kidney 
  • Ectopic kidney 
  • Horseshoe kidney