What are Congenital Anomalies of the Pulmonary System?

Congenital Anomalies of the Pulmonary System
Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation. Fetus at 22 weeks’ gestation. a, b and c Fetal sagittal, coronal, and axial single-shot fast spin-echo MR images of the fetal chest show a complex hyperintense lesion with cysts inside in the right lung (arrows). CT after birth d shows the lesion, which is proportionally smaller than in the MR images. Fetal MR in the evaluation of pulmonary and digestive system pathology. Martin C, Darnell A, Escofet C, Duran C, Pérez V - Insights into imaging (2012). Not Altered. CC.

Congenital anomalies of the pulmonary system are developmental abnormalities of the lungs.

Examples of congenital anomalies of the pulmonary system include:

Table showing congenital anomalies of the pulmonary system

CoalSimple coal-workers’ pneumoconiosis
Progressive massive fibrosis
Caplan’s syndrome
Caplan’s syndrome
Pleural diseases
Mouldy hayFarmer’s lung