What are Cysts of the Spleen?

Cysts of the Spleen
Cysts of the Spleen. (a) Cut section of spleen shows ill-defined, irregular-shaped, dark-red spongy lesion. (b) Anastomosing vascular channels with cyst like spaces filled by many sloughed endothelial cells and RBCs. (H and E ×100). Inset: Tumoral cells with intracytoplasmic hemosiderin pigment. (H and E ×400). Littoral cell angioma of the spleen: Cytological findings and review of the literature. Journal of Cytology. Not Altered. CC.

Cysts of the spleen include primary and secondary cysts, based on the existence of cellular or fibrous lining. True cysts are grouped into non-parasitic and parasitic. True non-parasitic cysts comprise congenital (epithelial), and neoplastic cysts (lymphangioma, metastases, haemangioma). False cysts may develop due to trauma, infarction-degeneration, hemorrhage, and also inflammation.