What are Developmental Disorders of the Thymus?

Developmental Disorders of the Thymus
Histological and IHC analysis of thymus development in WT and P2neo/neo mice. (A, C, E, G, I, K) Transverse sections of WT (left panels) and P2neo/neo (right panels) thymic lobes stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). co = cortex, me = medulla, scb = sub-cortical band, cy = cyst. (B, D, F, H, J, L) Immunostaining of Runx1 in sections of WT (left panels) and P2neo/neo (right panels) thymic lobes. Runx1 is detected in thymocytes, but not in thymic epithelium. A reduced number of Runx1 expressing thymocytes (that are abnormally distributed) is seen in P2neo/neo thymic lobes.Developmentally regulated promoter-switch transcriptionally controls Runx1 function during embryonic hematopoiesis. Pozner A, Lotem J, Xiao C, Goldenberg D, Brenner O, Negreanu V, Levanon D, Groner Y - BMC developmental biology (2007). Not Altered. CC.

Developmental disorders of the thymus include: 

  • Thymic aplasia
  • Thymic hypoplasia
  • Thymic cysts