What are Diffuse Goiters?

Diffuse Goiters
Diffuse Goiters. Representative HE-stained sections of thyroid×200 A., diffuse thyroid nontoxic goiter×200 B., and papillary carcinoma×200 C., ×400 (C-a), ×800 (C-b). Non-invasive diagnosis of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma: a NMR-based metabolomics approach: Oncotarget. Not Altered. CC.

Diffuse goiters is an autoimmune condition characterized by a diffusely hyperplastic thyroid gland with excessive overproduction of thyroid hormone. A simple nontoxic goiter, which may be diffuse or nodular, is noncancerous hypertrophy of the thyroid without hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or inflammation.