Esophageal tumors are malignant cancer cells form in the tissues of the esophagus, a tube-like structure that runs from your throat to your stomach. Food goes from the mouth to the stomach through the esophagus. The cancer starts at the inner layer of the esophagus and can spread throughout the other layers of the esophagus and to other parts of the body metastasis.
What are Esophageal Tumors?

Electronic ultrasonic gastroscopy showed that (A) necrosis became fewer than before and (B) esophageal tumor size gradually reduced. Cord blood-derived cytokine-induced killer cellular therapy plus radiation therapy for esophageal cancer: a case report.
Wang L, Huang S, Dang Y, Li M, Bai W, Zhong Z, Zhao H, Li Y, Liu Y, Wu M - Medicine (2014). Not Altered. CC.