What are Eye Movement Disorders?

Eye Movement Disorders.
: Photograph showing a) Patient 1, b) Patient 2, and c) Patient 3. Note complete to severe bilateral ptosis, moderate to large angle exotropia and hypotropia. Congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles. Cooymans P, Al-Zuhaibi S, Al-Senawi R, Ganesh A - Oman journal of ophthalmology (2010). Not Altered. CC.

Eye movement disorders are prominent features of a range of paraneoplastic syndromes, especially those involving the brainstem and cerebellum.

What is the Pathology of Eye Movement Disorders?

Etiology: The cause of Eye movement disorders is from immune mechanisms of the body directed against tumor related antigens. The host produces antibodies against the cancer antigen, resulting in an autoimmunization and then autoantibodies against normal host tissue. 

Pathogenesis: The sequence of events that lead to Eye movement disorders is that immunological responses to neuronal antigens expressed by the underlying cancer are also active against receptors or channels on neurons.

How do Eye Movement Disorders Present?

Patients with eye movement disorders typically present with visual disturbances. 

How are Eye Movement Disorders Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of the eye movement disorders depends on the clinical presentation, the ophthalmologic findings and finally the identification of the offending antibodies.

How are Eye Movement Disorders Treated?

Eye movement disorders associated with paraneoplastic syndromes are treated by treating the underlying malignancy. 

What is the Prognosis of Eye Movement Disorders?

The prognosis of eye movement disorders is poor.