What are Germ Cell Tumors?

Germ Cell Tumors
Photomicroscopy of mixed germ cell tumour showing a combination of embryonal carcinoma (arrowhead) and choriocarcinoma as evidenced by the presence of a sheet of cytotrophoblasts surrounded by syncytiotrophoblasts (arrow) elements.Malignant ovarian mixed germ cell tumour: a rare combination. Koshy M, Vijayananthan A, Vadiveloo V - Biomedical imaging and intervention journal (2005). Not Altered. CC.

Germ cell tumors are lesions of the testis that often produce enzymes and polypeptide hormones easily detected in the blood through sensitive assays.

Germ cell tumors include: 

  • Seminomas
  • Spermatocytic seminoma
  • Embryonal carcinoma
  • Yolk sac tumors
  • Choriocarcinoma
  • Teratomas
  • Mixed germ cell tumors