What are Lesions of Tunica Vaginalis?

Lesions of Tunica Vaginalis
a Histopathologic evaluation revealed a highly vascularized tumor, composed of bland spindle-shaped cells (hematoxylin and eosin ×100). b The stroma was mostly myxoid (periodic acid–Schiff – Alcian blue ×100)Magnetic resonance imaging findings of cellular angiofibroma of the tunica vaginalis of the testis: a case report. Ntorkou AA, Tsili AC, Giannakis D, Batistatou A, Stavrou S, Sofikitis N, Argyropoulou MI - Journal of medical case reports (2016). Not Altered. CC.

Lesions of tunica vaginalis are lesions that develop as a result of/or being involved in tumors of the testis or epididymis.

An example of a lesion of tunica vaginalis includes:

  • Hematocele