What are Lysosomal Storage Diseases?

(A and B) Confocal images of green fluorescent macrophages in the brain of 3-dpf control and morphant larvae, unstained (A) or the following staining with LysoTracker Red (B). (C) Quantification of average macrophage speed in control and morphant larvae by macrophage morphology. (D–F) Quantification of bacterial cording in control and morphant larvae at 3 dpi with 200 Mm. Statistical significance was determined using paired t-tests with Bonferroni correction (C) and Fisher’s exact test (D–F). Lysosomal Disorders Drive Susceptibility to Tuberculosis by Compromising Macrophage Migration: Berg RD, Levitte S, O'Sullivan MP, O'Leary SM, Cambier CJ, Cameron J, Takaki KK, Moens CB, Tobin DM, Keane J, Ramakrishnan L - Cell (2016). Not altered. CC.

Lysosomal storage diseases are disorders that may result in possible clinical issues.