What are Malformations and Developmental Disorders of the Central Nervous System?

Malformations and Developmental Disorders of the Central Nervous System
A 1-year-old boy. Clinical symptoms: psychomotor retardation. MR image. (A). T1-weighted image, axial plane. (B) T2-weighted image, sagittal plane. (C) T1-weighted image, axial plane. Heterotopic gray matter bilaterally in parietal regions (asterisk), pachygyria, agenesis of the septum pellucidum, hypoplasia of the corpus callosum.Clinical and morphological aspects of gray matter heterotopia type developmental malformations. Zając-Mnich M, Kostkiewicz A, Guz W, Dziurzyńska-Białek E, Solińska A, Stopa J, Kucharska-Miąsik I - Polish journal of radiology / Polish Medical Society of Radiology (2014). Not Altered. CC.

Malformations and developmental disorders of the central nervous system are birth defects of the brain and spinal cord that occur during the development of the foetus during pregnancy or in utero. Malformations and developmental disorders range from minor disorders to very serious abnormalities. They may be due to genetic and environmental causes.

Examples of malformations and developmental disorders of the central nervous system include:

  • Neural tube defects 
  • Forebrain anomalies 
  • Posterior fossa anomalies
  • Syringomyelia 
  • Hydromyelia