IHC staining of FHIT and FISH signals for HPV and FHIT.(A)-(C) typical FHIT staining in normal cervix (A), CIN (B) and cervical cancer (C) (×200). (D) HPV signals in cervical cancer (shown in red) (×1000). (E) and (F) FHIT signal variation in CIN (E) and cervical cancer (F) (shown in green) (×1000). Reduction in the copy number and expression level of the recurrent human papillomavirus integration gene fragile histidine triad ( FHIT ) predicts the transition of cervical lesions. PLoS ONE. Not Altered. CC.
Malignant neoplasms of the cervix are cancerous tumors in cervix with an abnormal growth that can grow uncontrolled and spread to other parts of the body.
Examples include cervical carcinoma.