What are Neoplastic Squamous Lesions of the Vulva?

Neoplastic Squamous Lesions of the Vulva
Macroscopic and microscopy findings at diagnosis: (a): vulvar bleeding vegetants lesions; (b): micropapillary pattern; (c): acantholysis and mitosis. Early invasive vulvar squamous cell carcinoma arising in a woman with vulvar pemphigus vulgaris and systemic lupus erythematosus. Bifulco G, Mandato VD, Piccoli R, Giampaolino P, Mignogna C, Mignogna MD, Costagliola L, Nappi C - BMC cancer (2010). Not Altered. CC.

Neoplastic squamous lesions of the vulva are an unusual growth on skin or area of abnormal cells that forms on the surface of vulva.  

Examples of neoplastic squamous lesions of the vulva include: 

  • Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia 
  • Vulvar carcinoma