What are Neural Tube Defects?

Neural Tube Defects
Images showing cranial neural tube defects: A) a newborn with anencephaly. B, C & D) Anterior encephalocele. Sequential coronal MRI scan showing brain herniation through the right nasal bone (arrows in C & D); and E) large posterior encephalocele. Classification, clinical features, and genetics of neural tube defects. Salih MA, Murshid WR, Seidahmed MZ - Saudi medical journal (2014). Not Altered. CC.

Neural tube defects are birth defects of the spinal cord or brain that occur in the first month of pregnancy. Neural tube defects are caused by many factors such as folic acid deficiency, maternal insulin dependent diabetes, and antiepileptic medications.

Neural tube defects may include:

  • Anencephaly 
  • Spina bifida 
  • Myelomeningocele 
  • Encephalocele