What are Neurogenic and Myopathic Changes in Skeletal Muscle?

Neurogenic and Myopathic Changes in Skeletal Muscle
Muscle biopsy. (A) H&E staining of a muscle biopsy of the left anterior tibial muscle with mild myopathic changes indicated by muscle fiber splitting and increase in endomysial connective tissue. Additionally, in the ATPase pH 4.1 staining (B), a type I fiber predominance without evidence of fiber type grouping and numerous hypertrophic type I fibers are notable. Bars in A and B adjusted to 50 μm. Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy and Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy 1A - evidence for "double trouble" overlapping syndromes. Schreiber O, Schneiderat P, Kress W, Rautenstrauss B, Senderek J, Schoser B, Walter MC - BMC medical genetics (2013). Not Altered. CC.

Neurogenic and myopathic changes in skeletal muscle are the disorders of skeletal muscles. Myopathic disorders are those that affect primarily the muscle while neurogenic disorders are caused by damage or disease of the motor neurons or peripheral nerves.