What are Paragangliomas?

(A) A macroscopic image of the composite paraganglioma. The well delineated cranial part (right side) of the tumor with cysts, necrosis and hemorrhages represents the paraganglioma. The less well demarcated, white-gray-tan colored solid part of the tumor (left side) represents the caudally located neuroblastoma component. (B) The microscopic image demonstrates the two histological components of the tumor delineated by fibrous tissue. The paraganglioma (upper part) appears lighter in the low power view corresponding to more abundant cytoplasm of the tumor cells that are arranged in the typical Zellballen pattern (inlet A). The neuroblastoma (lower part) appears bluish corresponding to the densely packed small blue round cells with scant cytoplasm (inlet B). In the fibrous band between both components the vascular invasion of the neuroblastoma can be appreciated.Radiological and pathological findings of a metastatic composite paraganglioma with neuroblastoma in a man: a case report. Fritzsche FR, Bode PK, Koch S, Frauenfelder T - Journal of medical case reports (2010). Not Altered. CC.

Paragangliomas are neoplasms that originate from nervous system.

What is the Pathology of Paragangliomas?

The pathology of paraganglioma is:

-Etiology: The cause of paragangliomas are neuroendocrine neoplasms, derived from paraganglia of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

-Genes involved: MEN 2A, MEN 2B, RET, VHL, NF1

-Pathogenesis: Proliferation of neuroendocrine cells.

-Histology: The histology associated with paraganglioma shows usually composed of solid nests of round to oval or elongated cells with abundant granular cytoplasm without mitosis or necrosis.

How do Paragangliomas Present?

Patients with paraganglioma are more prevalent in middle-aged females and typically present as slowly growing mass.

How are Paragangliomas Diagnosed?

Paraganglioma is diagnosed via diagnostic tests imaging scans and biopsy.

How are Paragangliomas Treated?

Paragangliomas are treated by surgical excision.

What is the Prognosis of Paragangliomas?

The prognosis of paragangliomas is good.