Immunohistochemical detection of human growth and transformation-dependent protein (HGTD-P) in cervical cancer (A, B), normal mucosa (C) and precancerous lesions (E–H). Representative samples of cervical cancer in which HGTD-P shows diffuse and strong staining in the cytoplasm of tumour cells (A), and no staining in tumour cells (B). C, Normal exocervical mucosa did not express HGTD-P. Among precancerous lesions including koilocytosis (E), cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)1 (F), CIN2 (G), CIN3 (H), HGTD-P expression was confined to dysplastic cells of the individual lesions. A representative case in which various cervical lesions are included within a microscopic field shows strong positive staining in cancer (c), less strong positive in CIN3 (ci) and no staining in normal cervical samples (n). Expression and clinicopathological significance of human growth and transformation-dependent protein (HGTD-P) in uterine cervical cancer. Cho YE, Kim JY, Kim YJ, Kim YW, Lee S, Park JH - Histopathology (2010). Not Altered. CC.
Premalignant neoplasms of the cervix are the mass of cells in cervix which are not yet cancerous, but they have the potential to become malignant.
An example of a premalignant neoplasms of the cervix is cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.