What are Salivary Glands?

Salivary Glands
Salivary Glands. Histopathological analysis of radiation-damaged and intact salivary gland tissue. (a–c) Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. The black box shows a magnified region. (d–f) Periodic acid–Schiff's base (PAS) staining. (a and d) Intact control salivary gland. (b and e) Irradiated salivary gland. (c and f) Human salivary gland stem cell (hSGSC)-transplanted irradiated salivary gland. Bar, 100 μm. Human salivary gland stem cells ameliorate hyposalivation of radiation-damaged rat salivary glands. Jeong J, Baek H, Kim YJ, Choi Y, Lee H, Lee E, Kim ES, Hah JH, Kwon TK, Choi IJ, Kwon H - Experimental & molecular medicine (2013). Not Altered. CC.

Salivary glands are glands that produce secretions which aid in lubrication and digestion. 

There are four types of salivary glands, three major and one minor which include: 

  • Major 
    • Parotid
    • Submandibular
    • Sublingual 
  • Minor
    • Others

The main types of salivary gland pathology includes: 

  • Xerostomia
  • Sialadenitis
  • Salivary gland neoplasms