(a) Mature cystic teratoma of ovary. (b) Macroscopic photo of an opened ovarian cyst with hairs and greasy sebaceous material. This teratoma contains thyroid tissue (blue arrow). (c) Microscopic photo showing bone, thyroid tissue, a cystic spaces lined with smooth membrane and mucous glands (H and E, ×40). (d) Microscopic photo showing benign thyroid tissue and sebaceous glands in cystic wall of a benign multiloculated ovarian mature cystic teratoma cyst (H and E, ×100). (e) Microscopic photo showing benign thyroid tissue and cartilage in cystic wall of lesion (H and E, ×100). Accurately localizing the thyroid tissue in mature cystic teratoma of ovary by single-photon emission computerized tomography/computerized tomography. Demir Y, Üçler R, Alkiş İ, Bulut G - Indian journal of nuclear medicine : IJNM : the official journal of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, India (2015 Oct-Dec). Not Altered. CC.
Teratomas of the ovary are the most common germ cell neoplasm and comprised of a number of histologic types of tumors, all of which contain mature or immature tissues of pluripotent cells.
Teratomas of the ovary include:
- Mature teratomas
- Immature teratomas
- Struma ovarii teratomas
- Primary ovarian carcinoid tumors within a cystic teratoma