What are Developmental Disorders of the Thymus?

(A, B) Immunofluorescence on coronal E10.5 embryo sections for the endothelial marker, Endomucin (Endo). Endo staining is present in wild type (A) and Hes1−/− embryos with aplastic/non-patent 4th PAAs (arrow in B). (C, D) Immunofluorescence on coronal E11.5 embryo sections for α-SMA. Strong α-SMA expression surrounding the 3 rd, 4th and 6th PAA in wild types (C) is lost in the hypo/aplastic left 3 rd and 4th PAA (red and white arrows in D, respectively) of Hes1−/− mutant embryos. Hes1 expression is reduced in Tbx1 cells and is required for the development of structures affected in 22q11 deletion syndrome: van Bueren KL, Papangeli I, Rochais F, Pearce K, Roberts C, Calmont A, Szumska D, Kelly RG, Bhattacharya S, Scambler PJ - Developmental biology (2010). Not altered. CC.

Thymic aplasia / Thymic hypoplasia

  • Associated syndromes include: DiGeorge Syndrome (22q11.2 deletion)

Thymic cysts