What are Thymic Cysts?

Thymic Cysts
Thymic Cysts. Histopathology reveals the cyst wall with thymic tissue (white arrow), lymphoid aggregates (black arrow) and Hassals corpusceles (dashed arrow) (H and E, –100). Asymptomatic thymic cyst appearing in the neck on valsalva: unusual presentation of a rare disease: Hegde KV, Suneetha P, Pradeep PV, Kumar P - Journal of clinical imaging science (2012). Not Altered. CC.

Thymic cysts are cysts that occur involving thymic tissue.  

What is the Pathology of Thymic Cysts?

The pathology of thymic cysts is:

-Etiology: The cause of thymic cyst can be either acquired or congenital.

-Morphology: Enlarged lump in neck or sternal region. 

-Histology: Thin walled cysts composed of bland cells and thymic tissue. Hassal corpuscles may be present.  

How does Thymic Cysts Present?

Thymic cysts are typically discovered early in life, and mostly affect males. 

How are Thymic Cysts Diagnosed?

Thymic cysts are diagnosed with physical exam, ultrasound, and biopsy. 

How are Thymic Cysts Treated?

Thymic cysts are treated surgically.

What is the Prognosis of Thymic Cysts?

The prognosis of thymic cysts is good.