What are Toxic Neuropathies?

Toxic Neuropathies
Toxic Neuropathies. Bilateral hyperaemic optic discs are seen in our patient with chloramphenicol-associated toxic optic neuropathy. An old friend revisited: chloramphenicol optic neuropathy: Wong Sh, Silva F, Acheson J, Plant G - JRSM short reports (2013). Not altered. CC.

Toxic neuropathies are alteration of the nervous system function that is caused by toxins from either medication or drugs or other substances.

Examples of toxic neuropathies include:

  • Alcohol neuropathy
  • Arsenic neuropathy
  • Lead neuropathy
  • Mercury neuropathy
  • Taxane neuropathy
  • Thallium neuropathy
  • Vinca alkaloids neuropathy
Alcohol neuropathyimmobility, loss of sensation, muscle weakness, tingling sensation, constipation, diarrheaAlcohol cessation, detox therapy, rehab assistance, vitamins, pain medication, and physical therapy.Good if one adheres to the process of rehabilitation and cessation of alcohol.
Arsenic neuropathyMuscle pain, fatigue, confusion, memory lossChelating agents, dialysis, bowel cleansing, blood transfusionGood since it has a low mortality rate
Lead neuropathyAnorexia constipation, numbness, dizziness, azotemia, osteomalacia, anemia, muscle weakness.Chelation therapy, Good with a very low mortality rate because it responds well to chelation therapy.
Mercury neuropathyMetal fume fever consists of painful ejaculation, fever, chills, dizziness, headache, acrodynia, erethism.Chelation therapy, removal of the source of mercury, supportive therapy, dietary therapy.Fair but the damage that is usually caused by mercury poisoning is usually severe.
Taxane neuropathyTingling sensation, pain, numbness, Gradual reduction of the dosage. 
Thallium neuropathyAlopecia, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, numbness, tingling sensation, Antidote with Radiogardase, removal of the source, maintain oxygen patency, Is fair because the chances of death are low but it can lead to dementia and psychosis.
Vinca alkaloids neuropathyLoss of tendon function, numbness, constipation.antidote hyaluronidase, Good since the only long-term effects that occur can vanish after continuous treatment.
Table showing toxic neuropathies.