What are Tumors of the Appendix?

Tumors of the Appendix
(HEx10) A well differentiated mucous producing appendicial neoplasm without invasion of the stroma. Mucinous adenocarcinoma of the appendix presenting with atypical symptomatology and presence of pseudomyxoma peritonei: a case report. Alexiou K, Sikalias N, Demonakou M, Mylona SC, Triantafyllis V, Kalogirou A, Antsaklis G - Cases journal (2009). Not Altered. CC.

Tumors of the appendix are a part of the lymphatic, exocrine, or endocrine systems. Appendix cancer occurs when healthy cells in the appendix change and grow out of control. These cells form a growth of tissue, called a tumor.

Examples of tumors of the appendix include: 

  • Neuroendocrine tumors
  • Adenomas
  • Adenocarcinomas
  • Mucocele
  • Mucinous cystadenoma