Tumors of the Dermis. a Stain for p16 in most of the bowenoid lesion. The dermal tumor is negative. ×100. b Strong nuclear staining for p63 protein in the whole thickness of the dysplastic epithelium. The dermal tumor is negative. ×100. c Diffuse cytoplasmic staining for CD68 in spindle cells of the dermal neoplasm. The bowenoid lesion is negative. ×100. d Staining for CD10 at the cellular membrane in all the cells of the dermal tumor, without expression in the epidermal lesion. ×100. Combined Papillated Bowen Disease and Clear Cell Atypical Fibroxanthoma. Suárez-Vilela D, Izquierdo-García F, Domínguez-Iglesias F, Méndez-Álvarez JR - Case reports in dermatology (2010). Not Altered. CC.
Tumors of the dermis are tumors arising from the inner layer of the skin sweat glands.
Examples of tumors of the dermis include:
- Dermatofibroma
- Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans