What Characterizes Placental Abnormalities?

What Characterizes Placental Abnormalities
Sample placenta with abnormalities we aim to detect. Each row has a different abnormality. (a) Abruption (main indicator: blood clots on the maternal surface). (b) Chorioamnionitis (main indicator: opaque colored fetal surface). (c) Meconium (main indicator: meconium stain on the fetal surface). (d) Irregular shaped (left: regular, right: irregular. Their associated binary disc region along with the fitted ellipses are also displayed next to each of them). (e) True knots on the cord. AI-PLAX: AI-based placental assessment and examination using photos. Chen Y, Zhang Z. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (2020). Not Altered. CC.

Placental abnormalities are characterized by insufficient uteroplacental blood supply.