The gingival cyst of newborns is an oral mucosal lesion of transient nature. Although it is a very common lesion within 3 to 6 weeks of birth, it is very rare to visualize the lesion thereafter. Presented here is a case report of a gingival cyst, which was visible just after 15 days of birth.
What is the Pathology of Gingival Cyst of Newborn?
The pathology of the gingival cyst of a newborn is:
-Etiology: The cause of the gingival cyst of newborns originates from the vestiges of dental lamina that has degenerated.
-Genes involved: None.
-Pathogenesis: The sequence of events that lead to gingival disease of newborns is from the vestiges of dental lamina that has degenerated. These remnants give rise to the gingival cysts and are lined by epithelium, which is capable of producing keratin.
-Histology: The histology associated with a gingival cyst of newborn shows small cysts lined with attenuated stratified squamous epithelium, fibrovascular stroma, without inflammatory cells.
How does Gingival Cyst of Newborn Present?
Patients with gingival cysts typically affect newborns and infants. The symptoms, features, and clinical findings associated with a gingival cyst of the newborn include superficial papules.
How is Gingival Cyst of Newborn Diagnosed?
Gingival cyst of a newborn is diagnosed by differentiating from three other conditions, which are typically seen during the same time and possibly also have a location similarity. These include Natal teeth, Epstein’s pearls, and Bohn’s nodules.
How is Gingival Cyst of Newborn Treated?
The gingival cyst of a newborn usually requires no treatment, spontaneously rupture with cyst lining incorporated into the oral mucosa.
What is the Prognosis of Gingival Cyst of Newborn?
The prognosis of gingival cyst of newborn good.