What is Agranulocytosis?

Agranulocytosis. Bone marrow shows rare granulocytic precursors (magnification, ×1,000). M, bone marrow smears. Upper left figure: lymphocytes, platelets; Upper right: Neutrophilic stab granulocyte, atypical lymphocytes; Bottom left: Lymphocytes; Bottom right: Atypical lymphocytes, late erythroblast. A patient with agranulocytosis following the discontinuation of methimazole treatment for 4 months: A case report. Bai XS, Liu JH, Xiao SM - Experimental and therapeutic medicine (2014). Not altered. CC.

Agranulocytosis is a condition that occurs when the bone marrow does not produce enough granulocytes or neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) resulting to an extremely low number of granulocytes in the blood. Agranulocytosis is a severe form of neutropenia with absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of less than 100 cells/microliter. 

  • Agranulocytosis
    Agranulocytosis. Bone marrow shows rare granulocytic precursors (magnification, ×1,000). M, bone marrow smears. Upper left figure: lymphocytes, platelets; Upper right: Neutrophilic stab granulocyte, atypical lymphocytes; Bottom left: Lymphocytes; Bottom right: Atypical lymphocytes, late erythroblast. A patient with agranulocytosis following the discontinuation of methimazole treatment for 4 months: A case report. Bai XS, Liu JH, Xiao SM - Experimental and therapeutic medicine (2014). Not altered. CC.