Anemia due to chronic blood loss is when the rate of hemorrhage depletes the iron reserves, and bleeding surpasses regenerative capability of the marrow.
What is the Pathology of Anemia Due to Chronic Blood Loss?
The pathology of anemia due to chronic blood loss is:
-Etiology: The cause of anemia due to chronic blood loss is prolonged hemorrhage internal/external, vitamin B-12 deficiency, and folate deficiency.
-Genes involved: None.
-Pathogenesis: The sequence of events that lead to anemia due to chronic blood loss is the result of hemorrhage that exceed the iron reserves and regenerative capacity of the marrow leading to reduced blood volume and reduced hemoglobin level. When hemorrhage exceeds the capacity of the bone marrow regenerative and also causes the depletion of iron reserves with feature of prolonged bleeding more than two weeks.
-Morphology: The morphology associated with anemia due to chronic blood loss shows tissue pallor.
-Histology: The histology associated with anemia due to chronic blood loss shows reduced hematocrit level, (reduced red cells count), leukocytosis.
How does Anemia Due to Chronic Blood Loss Present?
Patients with anemia due to chronic blood loss typically vary depending on the underlying cause among males and females present at an age range of any age. The symptoms, features, and clinical findings associated with anemia due to chronic blood loss include signs of hypovolemia.
How is Anemia Due to Chronic Blood Loss Diagnosed?
Anemia due to chronic blood loss is diagnosed through the clinical presentation; Laboratory studies full hemogram (reduced below normal Hb levels). Imaging studies to certify internal bleedings- radiological studies and endoscopy.
How is Anemia Due to Chronic Blood Loss Treated?
Anemia due to chronic blood loss is treated by treating the underlying cause through medical care- antifibrinolytic therapy, vasopressors, histamine (H2) antagonists, and glucocorticosteroids. Fluid replacement therapy, blood and blood products transfusion. Surgical intervention to stop active bleeding.
What is the Prognosis of Anemia Due to Chronic Blood Loss?
The prognosis of anemia due to chronic blood loss is fair, depending on underlying medical, severity of the blood loss, associated with complications such as tenacious tissue hypoxia.