What is Anterior Segment Pathology?

Anterior Segment Pathology
Histopathology of anterior segment tissues following intracameral inoculation. Eyes were histologically examined at various time-points out to 24 days following intracameral inoculation with allosplenocytes (n of 3 per micrograph). Micrographs (A,B) represent the histopathology observed in negative control mice eight and 16 days post sham operation. High-magnification image demonstrates marginal scarring observed in these mice (A, inset). Micrographs (C,D) represent the histopathology observed in positive control mice eight and 16 days post anterior lens puncture. High-magnification image (D) demonstrates inflammatory infiltrate in host anterior chamber (arrows). Micrographs (E,F) represent the histopathology observed eight and 16 days post intracameral inoculation with allosplenocytes. High magnification image (E, inset) shows inflammatory infiltrate in host posterior cornea, which resolved by day 16 (F).Characterization of intraocular immunopathology following intracameral inoculation with alloantigen. Saban DR, Elder IA, Nguyen CQ, Smith WC, Timmers AM, Grant MB, Peck AB - Molecular vision (2008). Not Altered. CC.

Anterior segment pathology is a spectrum of disease affecting the development of the frontal segment of the eye.

Examples of anterior segment pathology include: 

  • Cataract
  • Glaucoma
  • Endophthalmitis
  • Panophthalmitis