What is B Thalassemia Minor?

B Thalassemia Minor
B Thalassemia Minor. (A) Peripheral blood smear showing microcytic hypochromic red cells with frequent targeting and basophilic stippling. (B) Bone marrow aspirate showing erythroid hyperplasia and basophilic stippling in erythroid cells (Wright stain, ×1,000). Beta-thalassemia minor is associated with IgA nephropathy. Kang JH, Park BR, Kim KS, Kim do Y, Huh HJ, Chae SL, Shin SJ - Annals of laboratory medicine (2013). Not ALtered. CC.

B Thalassemia minor is asymptomatic with mild or absent anemia.

What is the Pathology of B Thalassemia Minor?

The pathology of β- thalassemia minor is:

-Etiology: The cause of β- thalassemia minor is a genetic mutation.

-Genes involved: β-thalassemia gene.Heterozygotes having one β-thalassemia gene and one normal gene (β+/β or β0/β) usually have mild microcytic anemia that causes no symptoms.

Pathogenesis: The sequence of events that lead to β- thalassemia minor result from promoter region mutations, preventing RNA polymerase from binding normally. Chain terminator mutations causes premature termination of mRNA translation: Splicing mutations, aberrant splicing affecting the introns and exons. Diminished β-globin synthesis consequences in anemia, by fabricating under-hemoglobinized, hypochromic, microcytic red cells that have diminished survival.

-Morphology: The morphology associated with β- thalassemia minor shows hypochromia, microcytosis.

-Histology: The histology associated with β- thalassemia minor shows basophilic stippling and target cells.

How does B Thalassemia Minor Present? 

Patients with β- thalassemia minor typicallyhave no sex prevalrence present at age range of childhood and adulthood. The symptoms, features, and clinical findings associated with β- thalassemia minor include mild anemias, and asymptomatic.

How is B Thalassemia Minor Diagnosed? 

β- thalassemia minor is diagnosed through lab works peripheral blood smear- abnormal red cells, hypochromia, microcytosis basophilic stippling, and target cells. Hemoglobin electrophoresis shows increase in HbA2.

How is B Thalassemia Minor Treated? 

β- thalassemia minor is treated via management of symptoms, if any.

What is the Prognosis of B Thalassemia Minor?

The prognosis of β- thalassemia minor is good. Patients are asymptomatic with little or no anemia.