Cholestasis is defined as a decrease in bile flow due to impaired secretion by hepatocytes or to obstruction of bile flow through intra-or extrahepatic bile ducts.
What is Cholestasis?
(A) Low-power view of central vein (arrow) with pericentral cholestasis (arrowhead). (B) Low-power view of a portal area with mild chronic inflammation. Note the absence of bile pigment in the periportal area. (C and D) High-power view of two central veins (arrows) surrounded by pericentral cholestasis (arrowheads, yellow pigment). Tea not Tincture: Hepatotoxicity Associated with Rooibos Herbal Tea: Engels M, Wang C, Matoso A, Maidan E, Wands J - ACG case reports journal (2013). Not altered. CC.