What is Cretinism?

Cretinism. Ultrasonography of cervical region. In this case, the thyroid gland (arrowsindicating the right and left lobes) presents with much reduced dimensions and increased echogenicity. Sonographic evaluation of children with congenital hypothyroidism: Sedassari Ade A, de Souza LR, Sedassari Nde A, Borges Mde F, Palhares HM, de Andrade Neto GB - Radiologia brasileira (2015 Jul-Aug). Not Altered. CC.

Cretinism is a clinical condition characterized by the absence of thyroid hormone secondary to abnormal thyroid gland developmental or biosynthesis disorders. Cretinism is also known as congenital hypothyroidism. 

What is the Pathology of Cretinism? 

What is the pathology of thyroid dysgenesis is the most common cause.

How does Cretinism Present? 

Cretinism typically presents when infants show decreased activity, large anterior fontanelle, poor feeding and weight gain, small stature or poor growth, jaundice, decreased stooling or constipation, hypotonia, and hoarse cry.

How is Cretinism Diagnosed?

Cretinism is diagnosed through a blood test by measuring the level of TSH present in the body.

How is Cretinism Treated? 

Cretinism may be treated with thyroid hormone replacement or levothyroxine.

What is the Prognosis of Cretinism? 

The prognosis of cretinism is very poor as the disease must be treated within the first four weeks after birth otherwise the intellectual disability may be permanent.