What is Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia?

Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia
iopsy which was consistent with cryptogenic organizing pneumonia. Azacitidine-induced cryptogenic organizing pneumonia: a case report and review of the literature. Alnimer Y, Salah S, Abuqayas B, Alrabi K - Journal of medical case reports (2016). Not Altered. CC.

Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia is a clinicopathologic disorder that swiftly resolves with corticosteroids treatment, and has high relapses frequency when management is stopped.

What is the Pathology of Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia?

The pathology of cryptogenic organizing pneumonia is:

-Etiology: The cause of cryptogenic organizing pneumonia is unknown.

-Genes involved: Unknown. 

-Pathogenesis: The sequence of events that lead to cryptogenic organizing pneumonia alveolar epithelial damage owing to a mysterious provoking insult, believed to cause plasma proteins leakage to the alveolar space resultant in the recruitment of inflammatory cells, fibrin bands formation mononuclear inflammatory cells along with infiltration at the intra-alveolar stage. fibroblasts proliferation of laying down reticulin framework. Finally, formation of connective tissue and fibroblasts matrix.

-Histology: The histology associated with cryptogenic organizing pneumonia shows polypoid plugs of loose organizing connective tissue in alveolar ducts, alveoli, and often bronchioles.

How does Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia Present?

Patients with cryptogenic organizing pneumonia typically both genders affected equally, present at age range of 50 to 60 years. The symptoms, features, and clinical findings associated with Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia include cough, dyspnea, have subpleural or peribronchial patchy areas of airspace consolidation on radiographically.

How is Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia Diagnosed?

cryptogenic organizing pneumonia is diagnosed through laboratory studies, WBC count with elevated neutrophilia, high ESR and c-reactive protein.  Imaging studies, chest radiograph showing diffuse patchy consolidations, and lung CT scan shows bilateral patchy consolidation.

How is Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia Treated?

Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia is treated through medica care with steroids- oral glucocorticoids, prednisolone (IV).

What is the Prognosis of Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia?

The prognosis of cryptogenic organizing pneumonia is good, some patients recover spontaneously while others need oral steroids treatment for 6 months or longer for complete recovery.